Thursday, November 8, 2007

Intense, Intense, INTENSE

We were warned.

During the interview process for the class, Jeff mentioned several times that the class involved a great deal of work. The pre-course materials we were required to complete spoke of the homework after the demands of the day. On the first day of class we heard it again.

They weren't kidding.

Day one we learned that each morning we'd hear new information about being trainers and the how-to of teaching adults. What's neat is that they model how to teach English as they train us. So we are treated to experiential learning, repetition, a variety of methodologies and a fast pace.

That afternoon we saw our trainers train a group of ESL students who will be receiving English lessons for the same amount of time we'll be studying. Coincidence? No! We're their teachers.

And we started teaching on Day 2!

Armed with the instructions and our manuals, five of us on each team taught either Beginning or Intermediate Level English from 1 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. The first try we were unobserved. I still had a sweat pouring out of me. Yesterday, Day 3, we were graded.

Did I mention INTENSE?

My team is great so we all heard great comments about our performance. But even with 20 years of training experience, I found that 20 minute assignment daunting. I questioned my ability to hear, my pronunciation of my own language, my ability to inform or inspire and pretty much everything including gravity and the existence of oxygen before it was over. But I did it.

And from my evaluation sheet, I can see that I must have done it in a satisfactory manner.

Today I teach for 40 minutes.

There's not enough deodorant in the city to keep the sweat in check. I'm going sleeveless!

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