Wednesday, November 7, 2007

To ESL or Not To ESL . . .

I know several things:
-I have to make money somehow
-I like to travel and love engaging with folks from a variety of backgrounds
-I'm a trainer
-I speak English.

I don't know much, much more. But here's a sampling:
-How CELTA differs from conversational English which I've done informally before as a volunteer
-How to walk into a room of non-English speakers and offer them anything that resembles learning
-How I'm going to do as a student since the last time I was one was half my lifetime ago

The "arrangements" part of this experience was the focal point for me for weeks. Where to stay since the college offering the class is almost an hour drive from my home? How to afford both the cost and the time of four weeks of intensive training? Where I'd get the textbook they recommend? And "stuff" (one of the ESSENTIAL English words to know according to my instructor Jeff!) like that!

Problems were solved easily enough. I am with friends who only live a half hour away and (woohoo!) they have thus provided hot coffee in the morning, breakfast and a home cooked meal last night! I dipped into savings to finance my year of study and adventures. The book wasn't such a hard find after all.

So I'm on the third day of my CELTA experience and I finally had time to launch the "daily" blog I said I'd do. We'll see what happens next . . .

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